ze kunnen niet eerlijk, vrij, gelijkwaardig en solidair zijn.
echte mensen vernielen, eerder gezien bij onder andere nikola tesla, jezu, nelson mandela, martin luther king, socrates en nog zo wat, murder by numbers
Neelix born & raised, i am seeing everything i only watch what's real
i google all the time and i
don't know
i am losin my mind
rotten bitches pull me down
zoals de afbeeldingsresultaten soms toch per seconde verschillen:
dat is het rottigste en moeilijkste, niemand meer echt vertrouwen, vroeger wel, ruim 80~95%, maar ik zag niks..en daardoor ging het vanzelf goed ? toen nog een zondagskind omdat je blind bent voor the dirty rotten ways of dead sick bitches (bestaat dat, dead sick ?)
Hoe kun je toch je kinderen zo'n wereldbeeld meegeven, de laffe, bange, conforme, huichelende en rottende moordenaar van de aarde
God Verdomme
God Verdomme
Van: Maarten van de
Verzonden: donderdag 25 juni 2020 14:39
Aan: 'menno
CC: vandevw-advocaten.n
Onderwerp: Machtiging stamadvocaat
Verzonden: donderdag 25 juni 2020 14:39
Aan: 'menno
CC: vandevw-advocaten.n
Onderwerp: Machtiging stamadvocaat
Beste Menno,
Zojuist heb ik jouw zitting behandeld over het verzoek tot de verplichte zorg(-machtiging). Dit verzoek is tot nader order aangehouden, nu de informatie over jou absoluut niet up to date was. We zullen binnen drie weken opnieuw een zitting krijgen en in de tussentijd zullen zij zowel familieleden als andere bronnen raadplegen om te bekijken hoe het nu met je gaat.
Ik zal je op deze zitting opnieuw vertegenwoordigen. Om dit soepel te laten verlopen, is het van belang dat de piketcentrale weet dat ik jou in dit soort zaken bijsta. Zou jij bijgevoegde machtiging voor mij kunnen tekenen en wat mij betreft of per app (foto via telefoon) of mail kunnen terugsturen, zodat ik deze kan doorzenden naar de Raad? Mocht dit niet lukken, kun je ook per mail aangeven dat je hier volledig mee akkoord bent.
Ik zal je natuurlijk op de hoogte houden van de verdere ontwikkeling van je zaak en tevens van de mogelijkheden om die twee maanden, welke thans boven je hoofd hangen, niet door te laten gaan.
Met vriendelijke groet,
M.A. van de Weerd
Once that you've decided on a killing
First you make a stone of your heart
And if you find that your hands are still willing
Then you can turn a murder into art
First you make a stone of your heart
And if you find that your hands are still willing
Then you can turn a murder into art
There really isn't any need for bloodshed
You just do it with a little more finesse
If you can slip a tablet into someone's coffee
Then it avoids an awful lot of mess
You just do it with a little more finesse
If you can slip a tablet into someone's coffee
Then it avoids an awful lot of mess
It's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
It's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
It's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Now if you have a taste for this experience
If you're flushed with your very first success
Then you must try a twosome or a threesome
You'll find your conscience bothers you much less
If you're flushed with your very first success
Then you must try a twosome or a threesome
You'll find your conscience bothers you much less
Because murder is like anything you take to
It's a habit-forming need for more and more
You can bump off every member of your family
And anybody else you find a bore
It's a habit-forming need for more and more
You can bump off every member of your family
And anybody else you find a bore
Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Now you can join the ranks of the illustrious
In history's great dark hall of fame
All our greatest killers were industrious
At least the ones that we all know by name
In history's great dark hall of fame
All our greatest killers were industrious
At least the ones that we all know by name
But you can reach the top of your profession
If you become the leader of the land
For murder is the sport of the elected
And you don't need to lift a finger of your hand
If you become the leader of the land
For murder is the sport of the elected
And you don't need to lift a finger of your hand
Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your A, B, C, D, E
It's as easy to learn as your ABC's
Murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your A, B, C, D, E